Friday, 31 August 2012

Analysis of 2 film posters and 2 magazine covers

After conducting the research for this assignment, I will make sure my film poster will be of the highest quality and authenticity to get the good marks. The magazine cover will also have to be of high quality to make it look authentic and realistic. To do this, I have to make sure to take inspiration from past posters and magazines and embed them on to my work

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Trailer Analysis

I will make sure that my trailer looks authentic and realistic as possible as it will be important to get the highest grade possible. I will make sure i have looked at real trailers to take as much inspiration as I can to make my trailer of a realistic authenticity, in terms of camera shots, facial expressions on actors, soundtrack etc. I will also to look at thriller conventions as the genre I have chosen is thriller, therefore I have to follow the thriller conventions such as: dark locations, serious characters, mysterious soundtrack etc.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Textual analysis of film trailers

conventions of trailers include:

  • The trailer is often interspersed with actor or director credits
  • Key points are often highlighted through inter-titles
  • Conversations between characters are often one-liners
  • Dramatic camera angles may be chosen to show events of characters
  • Action tends to build to a climax where trailer ends
  • Music is very important, as it creates an atmosphere
  • a trailer will often be structured around the most appealing aspects of a film, dis-regarding the narrative order. E.g. you might see a funny moment from a trailer or a key sequence from a thriller movie
  • The trailer also should show the equilibrium (an intro to the characters) at the start and then show the disequilibrium in a montage of key sequences, but never show the new equilibrium as this will create an enigma to audiences.
Voice-overs are used to tell the story and give credit information. auto-diegetic voice-over telling us about the film, basic information like character names, about scenarios presented to himself (the protagonist). For example "My name's Batman and I protect the city".

A general voice-over tell us about character names and some info about their lives, for example "this summer... the world is going to end".

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Genre Features

In my trailer I must ensure that I include the following traits of the thriller genre: in order to make it instantly recognisable to an audience, offering familiar pleasures,
1) Fast paced shots
2) Dark locations
3) An enigma presented to the antagonist
4) An enigmatic character

Group & Genre

Rashedul Bari
Dan Gustard
Majhar Hussain

We have decided to make a thriller.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Research Reflection

I have chosen the genre of thriller for my trailer as I think I will be best suited for this genre. I have found the essential themes and narratives that are most employed in typical thriller movies such as: Seven, but I have also found movies with hybrid genres including thriller such The Dark Knight Rises. I have found that thriller movies need very good performances to work as emotion is key in any thriller movie. I have also found that editing and pace will be key to keep the audience interested such as the fast pace of the Seven trailer. I have also found that posters and the way they look will be important in making a thriller movie as dark and murky colours usually best match thriller films, best seen in the Seven and TDKR posters. I have also found that magazines use on set photos so I will have to keep them dark to further the mystery. My ideas are starting to pile up due to the research I have compiled. I know the repertoire of the thriller genre, how to film the trailer, how to make the poster and how the magazine cover should be. I must consider carefully who should portray my actors as they are key in making a good thriller trailer. I expect the story writing to be especially challenging as it is the most important part in a thriller movie, the story has to have the suspense, drama, tension, anxiety all in one to keep the audience hooked.

Textual Research 2

Textual Research 1

Genre Reflection

Genre Research