Monday, 13 August 2012

Research Reflection

I have chosen the genre of thriller for my trailer as I think I will be best suited for this genre. I have found the essential themes and narratives that are most employed in typical thriller movies such as: Seven, but I have also found movies with hybrid genres including thriller such The Dark Knight Rises. I have found that thriller movies need very good performances to work as emotion is key in any thriller movie. I have also found that editing and pace will be key to keep the audience interested such as the fast pace of the Seven trailer. I have also found that posters and the way they look will be important in making a thriller movie as dark and murky colours usually best match thriller films, best seen in the Seven and TDKR posters. I have also found that magazines use on set photos so I will have to keep them dark to further the mystery. My ideas are starting to pile up due to the research I have compiled. I know the repertoire of the thriller genre, how to film the trailer, how to make the poster and how the magazine cover should be. I must consider carefully who should portray my actors as they are key in making a good thriller trailer. I expect the story writing to be especially challenging as it is the most important part in a thriller movie, the story has to have the suspense, drama, tension, anxiety all in one to keep the audience hooked.

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